Back to school for Denbighshire County Council’s Streetscene!
On the 15th of September, members of Denbighshire County Council’s Streetscene were delighted to join the Mayor of Ruthin for a visit to Ysgol Borthyn.
Denbighshire County Council’s Streetscene team is responsible for public realm maintenance in Denbighshire, including street cleansing, cemeteries and parks and grounds maintenance.
Team Members, John Andrew Jones and Jack Tweedie, joined the Mayor of Ruthin, Anne Roberts, at Ysgol Borthyn to speak to pupils from years 5 and 6 about their street cleansing duties and answer any questions that they had as part of the school’s litter project.
Pupils showed a keen interest in litter problems in the area through asking the team some interesting questions and are hoping to organise a litter pick in the near future.
John Andrew Jones, Street Cleaning Operative, said: “It’s important to educate children on litter issues, and we’re pleased that Ysgol Borthyn gave us the opportunity to come in and speak with pupils about them. It is refreshing to see children actively engaging with litter issues and showing enthusiasm and drive to help combat them from such a young age.”
The pupils plan to design anti-litter posters to address the issue of littering and have them displayed in hot spot areas across Ruthin.
Jack Tweedie, Ruthin Area Coordinator, said: “It was great to see the enthusiasm from children at Ysgol Borthyn to do their bit to help combat litter problems in their local area, and I was delighted to hear that they would be designing posters to help combat the problem in Ruthin.
“It’s a great idea to give children the opportunity to produce materials that promote anti-littering as it allows them to play their part in reducing litter in our streets and encourages positive anti-littering practices that they can carry with them for the future.”
Anne Roberts, Mayor of Ruthin, added: “I was delighted to visit Ysgol Borthyn, alongside Denbighshire Council’s Streetscene team, as part of their litter project. It was lovely to see pupils engaging with the issue by asking the team some interesting questions.
“The children have promised to do some anti-litter posters which we look forward to seeing and displaying across Ruthin to help us combat litter issues in the town.”
The Mayor is hoping to introduce these visits to other schools in Ruthin along with the Youth Café in St. Peter’s Church, and Streetescene will be working closely with her in attending the visits.