September 8, 2024

Denbighshire County Council has reassured parents and guardians that everything possible is being done to protect the safety of pupils and school staff when the new term begins this  week.

All schools have carried rigorous risk assessments and have introduced measures to try and protect the health and well-being of pupils. This may include staggered school days, safety signage, re-organisation of classrooms and reduced contacts with other year groups. All schools continue to follow stringent hygiene guidelines issued by Welsh Government.

Councillor Huw Hilditch-Roberts, Cabinet Lead Member for Education, Children’s Services and Public Engagement, says: “First of all, I’d like to thank parents and guardians across the county for their continued support during these unprecedented times.

“Over recent months, many parents/ guardians have been supporting schools to ensure that children and young people can continue learning at home – a great example of partnership working. We also recognise that many parents/ guardians will have changed working patterns to accommodate children and young people being at home.

“The Minister has made it clear that she expects all schools to be open by September 14th and our schools have worked tirelessly to put plans in place to welcome pupils as safely as possible.   I must thank schools and various council teams for their work to date. This has been a significant logistical and practical challenge, taking into account issues around catering, buildings, curriculum and transport.

“Stringent hygiene measures are in place and each school has come up with arrangements for conducting classes and activities, whilst reducing contact with other pupils as much as possible.

“Now the priority is on getting on with the task of educating our children and young people in a safe environment.”