Denbighshire businesses encouraged to apply for rate relief scheme
More than 2,000 businesses have applied for Welsh Government business rate relief administered by Denbighshire County Council, but more could be eligible for support.
In April the Welsh Government announced a range of support for businesses during the coronavirus pandemic, which Denbighshire and other local authorities across Wales are administering.
So far £22.8 million has already been paid out in Denbighshire and it is estimated a further 600 businesses in the county may be eligible for support.
Cllr Hugh Evans OBE, Leader of Denbighshire County Council and Lead Member for the Economy, said: “There is enormous uncertainty for businesses at this time and I would encourage traders in Denbighshire to look at our website to see what support is available.
“There are still firms in the county who are eligible for support who have not yet come forward and I would encourage them to do so.”
Cllr Julian Thompson-Hill, the Council’s Lead Member for Finance, Performance and Strategic Assets, said: “Business rate relief grants are now being paid to businesses and the Council is doing all it can to ensure these grants are being processed as quickly as possible, in the vast majority of cases within 10 working days.
“We are expecting the total amount of support to be provided to businesses in the county to exceed £30million.”
For information on support and business rate relief visit