September 8, 2024

Confident happy businesswoman working on laptop in office

As both employees and employers, we all want a healthy workplace. Good health and positive mentalities equals a better output of work, which equals happier customers, more business, better pay and so forth.

Therefore, it’s hugely important to promote health and wellbeing in the workplace, whether it be installing initiatives, offering support and generally leaving stress at the door as much as possible.

If you’re a business owner looking to improve and promote health and wellbeing in your workplace, here are five top tips for doing so…

Encourage physical activity

Encouraging physical activity is an excellent way to promote health and wellbeing in the workplace. Employers can offer on-site gym facilities or sponsor employees to join local gyms. Organising walking or running groups during lunch breaks is also a great way to encourage physical activity.

Promote healthy eating options

Promoting healthy eating options is crucial to maintaining good health. Employers can offer healthy food options in the canteen or vending machines and provide healthy snacks such as fruit and nuts. Organising healthy eating challenges can also help promote healthy eating habits among employees.

Create a positive work environment

Creating a positive work environment is essential for maintaining good mental health. Employers can promote a positive work environment by encouraging social interaction, providing opportunities for professional development, and recognising employees’ achievements. Flexible working arrangements and offering support for mental health issues can also create a positive work environment.

Provide mental health support

Employers can provide mental health support through various programs such as employee assistance programs (EAPs) and counselling services. These programs can provide employees with confidential access to mental health professionals, who can help them cope with stress, anxiety, and other mental health issues.

This can provide huge relief for members of staff, who feel that it is ok to speak up and reach out in the workplace to get the help they need, whether it be depression or anxiety, and even the likes of addiction, which is causing major issues for employers and employees across the country. Providing support on drug and alcohol rehab, and giving people the time they need can help get them back on track, and in return show great loyalty to a business.

Encourage breaks and rest periods

Encouraging breaks and rest periods is crucial to maintaining good physical and mental health. Employers can encourage employees to take regular breaks and rest periods during the workday. This can help reduce stress levels and increase productivity. Encouraging employees to take their full lunch breaks and providing a quiet space to rest can also promote good mental health.