September 7, 2024

Work to reduce a school’s carbon footprint has been recognised.

Ysgol Dinas Bran, at Llangollen saw the school’s green energy project commended at a National Awards.

Denbighshire County Council declared a Climate Change and Ecological Emergency in July 2019 and has since committed to becoming a Net Carbon Zero and Ecologically Positive Council by 2030.

This includes reducing the Council’s emissions from its buildings alongside fleet, waste generated in operations, business travel, staff commuting and street lighting.

The green project at Ysgol Dinas Bran and Llangollen Leisure Centre saw a 150Kw array of solar panels installed on the school roof which generate electricity for the school onsite using the suns energy.

Other elements of the work include heating control upgrades and LED lighting. The whole project is expected to reduce the school’s carbon emissions by 73 tonnes per year.

Pupils at the school are also invested in Climate Change as the school holds the Eco-Schools Platinum status, putting the topic at the forefront of their work.

The green project was shortlisted listed in the 2022 Education Business Awards Environmental Practice category and was commended.

Cllr Barry Mellor, Lead Member for Environment and Transport, said: “We would like to congratulate all involved with this project and are proud it has received recognition nationally. This work is such a big benefit for reducing the site’s carbon footprint and at the same time improving the learning environment for pupils and staff at the school.

“We would again like to thank the school for working with the Council on such an important project.”

Mark Hatch, Ysgol Dinas Bran Head teacher, said: “We are so pleased that we have had recognition for what we have achieved here in Ysgol Dinas Brân in reducing our carbon footprint by 73 tonnes.

“We had been nominated by the Education Business awards given the coverage we have received from news articles and it is great that other schools are asking how we did it and pursuing the options. We all need to make a difference for future generations.  I would like to thank all involved in achieving this fantastic project.”