September 18, 2024

Runner aims to complete 5k in each of uk’s 48 counties – in just one weekend

A RUNNER is planning to complete a 5km run in each of the UK’s 48 counties…in the space of just one weekend.
Mark Bebbington is setting out on the epic challenge in a bid to raise funds for the charity Cardiac Risk In The Young.
The 42-year-old boxing coach from Northwich, Cheshire, is already in the Guinness Book of World Records for the most consecutive boxing pad coaching rounds.
Now he’s aiming to provide a knock-out performance in yet another gruelling challenge to help a charity specialising in screening young adults for heart-related problems.
The challenge will start in Cornwall on Friday the 23rd of August, and will finish in Mark’s home county of Cheshire on Sunday.
It means Mark is aiming to complete 240km in just a single weekend – which is nearly six marathons.
He said: “This will undoubtedly be my biggest challenge to-date. I believe this is the first time this has been attempted, which is very exciting. I’m going to be running through 48 counties in just one weekend, and the distance I’ve got to cover is immense. It’s going to be a huge physical challenge, but I’m looking forward to getting out there in order to raise money for an incredibly worthwhile charity.”
On his Facebook page – which can be found here, Mark is encouraging supporters from the towns and cities he will be running in to come out and join him.
“Anyone who can run a 5K with me, I’d really appreciate the support – I’ll really need it as I go into the later counties for that motivational push!” he said.
Mark has previously supported CRY, with his last world record attempt raising over £7,000 for the team. Deborah Dixon, the Cheshire representative of the charity, is eager to support Mark on his fundraising venture.
“We’re so excited to be supporting Mark as he sets out to complete yet another hard challenge. He has been so supportive of the work we do, and the money raised allows us to hold screenings for young Cheshire adults to ensure that they are heart-healthy. A percentage of the people we screen are referred to us with potential cardiac issues, so the money raised will make a real difference in finding and preventing cardiac issues in the young.”
“We are eager to raise as much money as possible, and are offering businesses the opportunity to sponsor one of the 48 counties Mark will be running in. This has proven popular so far, and there are still spaces left if any local businesses would like to participate.”
Businesses can contact Deborah directly to sponsor a county. There are however only a limited number of spaces left.
One of the local businesses that have already pledged to sponsor Mark is Aqueous Digital – an SEO agency based in Runcorn. In addition to sponsoring the challenge, the company has also sponsored a screening day in Northwich, which will take place on the 8th of March, 2025.
 Chief Commercial Officer, Emma Guy said: “We’re regular supporters of CRY, having sponsored Mark on his last charity fundraiser. The whole team has been touched by Debroha’s story – her passion and dedication is truly inspiring.
“We take our commitment to the local community seriously, and it’s an honour to be able to support the CRY team in holding a screening in Northwich next year. The vital work they do in these screenings can be potentially life-saving, and we’re so proud to be able to assist them in their amazing work”
Anyone between the age of 14-35 can get tested at the screening – which will be free for all attendees. Spotting cardiac problems early can be life-saving, and anyone with a family history of heart issues is recommended to be tested.