October 9, 2024

Children are being invited to get silly with this year’s Summer Reading Challenge which takes place over the summer holidays at Denbighshire’s libraries.

It’s looking a bit different this year but still gives children a great reason to read over the summer as well as feeding the imagination, helping kids stay kids and embrace the fun just when we need it the most.

This year’s challenge sees a shift to a new bilingual digital platform, supported by library e-lending services, online events and links to existing digital resources.

Children can also choose to collect a pack and some books from their local library in Denbighshire.

To sign up online for the digital challenge go to www.sillysquad.org.uk, download e-books from the Borrowbox app or use the books you have at home.

Or you can order and collect a printed Silly Squad pack and books from your local library by phoning your local library to order and arrange an appointment to come and collect them. Children can do both if they want too. The challenge will run until the end of September.

Denbighshire libraries are not yet open for browsing – but you can access books via the Order and Collect service and using the digital library to download e-books and e-audiobooks for free via the Borrowbox app, and comics and magazines via the RBDigital app.

Anyone who’s not already a library member can join online too, go to www.denbighshire.gov.uk/libraries for further information.

There’s going to be lots on social media this summer too—follow on Facebook Denbighshire Libraries or Twitter @DenbsLibs and the hashtags #SummerReadingChallenge2020 and #SillySquad2020.

Developed by charity The Reading Agency, along with the UK public library network, it is now the UK’s biggest annual reading promotion for primary aged children. In Wales the Summer Reading Challenge is support by Welsh Government and the Books Council for Wales.

Last year 2,918 children in Denbighshire took part.