October 9, 2024

Registration for meeting on climate and ecological emergency has closed

Registration for the public meeting on February 25 on how to tackle the climate and ecological emergency has closed.

Last year Denbighshire County Council declared a climate and ecological emergency which included a commitment to make the authority net carbon zero by 2030 at the latest and call on the Welsh and UK governments to provide assistance and resources to enable the Council to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Members of the public who registered have now been sent confirmation of their place on email and will attend a meeting on February 25 at County Hall, Ruthin between 6pm and 8pm.

This event is now full and only those who have registered and received this confirmation email will be able to attend the meeting.

For those who have not registered the meeting will be webcast live via the Council’s website and questions can be submitted via https://countyconversation.denbighshire.gov.uk/project/510 or on the night via Twitter in English @DenbighshireCC or in Welsh @CyngorSDd using the hashtag #DCCClimate in English or #HinsawddCSDd in Welsh.