Denbighshire’s Domiciliary Support Service receives glowing inspection report
Consisting of a number of different workers, including Health and Social Care Workers, Reablement Workers, Complex Case Workers and Care and Support Workers, Denbighshire’s Domiciliary Support Service do vital work in the community and across three Extra Care Housing Facilities in Denbighshire.
The service’s first inspection by Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW) since its re-registration under the Regulation and Inspection of Social Care (Wales) Act 2016 took place in August of last year and consisted of a desktop review, staff and citizen interviews and a site visit to Gorwel Newydd ECH in Rhyl.
The report found that there were no areas of improvement identified by CIW. The summary findings within the CIW report found that people are happy with the service they receive and praise the standard of care delivered.
The report also stated that efforts are made to involve people in decisions regarding the care and support they receive and that their views are respected, and their care is tailored to their own wishes and preferences.
It goes on to state that the personal plans reflect people’s current care needs and are how they wish to be supported and these documents are updated when required and that the service itself is well led and consistently well managed. It also said that staff enjoy their work and receive appropriate training to their roles. They also feel well supported by management and feel able to raise any concerns they may have.
Councillor Elen Heaton, Lead Member for Health and Social Care said:
“This report underscores our Domiciliary Support Service’s commitment to enhancing the lives of individuals within our community, providing compassionate care and support to residents in their homes and in extra care housing throughout the county.
The team’s dedication and professionalism in providing personalised care to our most vulnerable members in the community is truly commendable, especially amidst the broader challenges facing this sector. I am so pleased to see that their tireless hard work has been recognised.”
Speaking about his role, Matty, a Complex Case Care and Support Worker, who has worked in the Denbighshire Domiciliary Service for 9 months said:
“It’s the best role I’ve had in my long 27 years in care, and I have found all staff and managers very supportive. The whole ethos is very much citizen based in providing the best care possible to all in the county. This is definitely a role I see me carrying out long term, as its the happiest I’ve felt in a long time doing what I enjoy.”
Jackie, Lead Care and Support Worker for Extra Care North added:
“This was my first experience of a CIW visit since working for Denbighshire. It gave us all an opportunity to talk about negative and positive feedback within the workplace.
Denbighshire has given me full support since joining the team with fantastic opportunities to progress in my career. My role is very rewarding, and I love what I do.”